Allyship Is About

Lending your voice & privilege to the cause...

People who have been oppressed understand the struggle all too well and have tirelessly tried to reform the systems that have held them down for ages. What we need now, is people like yourself to join us in the fight and take the message to the streets, social circles, workplace and boardrooms. You are welcome to stand with us or remain on the sidelines.

Become An Ally

Become A Member

As an ally, you’re more than just a supporter – you’re part of our community. By becoming a member, you gain access to a wealth of resources specifically tailored to allies, alongside the broader resources we offer: 

Ally-specific resources 

We have tools and materials designed to help you understand the challenges faced by black and brown women in tech, and how you can be part of the solution. 

Participate in our events

The opportunity to engage with our community, network with like minded individuals, and participate in meaningful discussions about diversity in tech. 

Career resources 

Utilize our tools and guidance to help further your own career as well as foster diversity within your own workplace or network. 


How You Can Help


Offer your expertise and guidance to our members. Your experience and knowledge can provide invaluable support to aspiring or existing women in tech. Apply here to become a mentor.

Accountability Partner

Help our members stay on track and reach their goals. As an accountability partner, you can provide encouragement, advice, and constructive feedback. 

Podcast Guest or Event Speaker

Share your story and insight on our podcast or during one of our happy hour events. Your perspective can inspire and inform our community about the importance of diversity in tech or provide guidance on navigating a tech career. Learn more here


Found a resource that might be great for our community? Share them with us here.

Speak Up

If you witness discriminatory or offensive behavior, don’t remain silent. Speak up and challenge that action. 


Example of Our Allies in Action